Ten New Years Resolutions for Teens

Beginning a New Year brings teenagers hope for good health and expectations for happiness. It also brings academic demands, problems with friends, confrontations with parents, changing bodies, mood swings and tremendous peer pressure.

Adolescence has never been easy, but in today's world, handling teenage problems can be particularly stressful. One in five 16-year-olds have lied to their parents because they don't want to disappoint them or get yelled at. At least 10% of teenagers report either frequent headaches, chest pain, or fatigue. As many as 1 in 8 teens suffer from ongoing depression, and up to 25% of high school students state they have considered suicide during the past year.

In 2006, issues related to self-esteem and stress will be a daily challenge for most teenagers. Many teens recognize that they need medical care or counseling to help them cope with feelings of depression and anxiety. Some may not realize physical symptoms such as headaches or fatigue can be manifestations of stress. Unfortunately, too many teens won't get help because they are either afraid to ask or don't know where to turn.

Happiness and success in life will come easier to teens that have a positive self-image, healthy habits, and supportive adults in their lives. In order to help our teenagers in 2006 focus on positive, healthy behaviors, Girls to Women offers the following New Years Resolutions for your teens:

Ten New Years Resolutions for Teens

1. I will present myself in a positive way; I will not put myself down.

2. I will spend more time with people and less time on my cell phone or computer.

3. I will learn how to say 'No to things that are not good for me. I will involve responsible adults who care about me when I am faced with difficult choices.

4. I will make small, healthy changes in my eating habits every day.

5. I will take better care of myself by getting more sleep, exercising, and listening to my body. I will ask for help when I need it.

6. I will help someone else (e.g. volunteer for causes I care about, make dinner for the family without being asked).

7. I will be more honest with my parents about my problems. They really do want what's best for me and can help me even if they are angry or disappointed.

8. I will try new, healthy ways to deal with anger or stress, like talking to a friend, writing in a journal, or exercising (instead of doing things that are destructive like skipping school, alcohol, drugs, or sex).

9. I will offer and require mutual respect in my relationships; I will not allow others to treat me badly (either emotionally or physically).

10. will find something to be thankful for every day.

By: Dr. Susan Sugerman and Dr. Dana Rubin-Remer
Compiled By: Girls To Women Health and Wellness www.gtw-health.com

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