An Interview With Jodie
Two big questions: What is your book, Mommy-CEO: Five Golden Rules, about? Why do I need the "5 Golden Rules?"
The Revised Book is a preventive maintenance plan to help moms get back their own life, prevent sibling disaster, eliminate the feeling to want to scream and to provide motivation for each family member to be an active and integral part of the family team. In other words: GET YOU CHILDREN INTO DOING THEIR OWN CHORES - and save your sanity! There is a little humor in the book and even a place at the end of each chapter to write down your thoughts: a mommy journal.
The heart and soul of the book is for parents to ask their children for help in the daily challenges of family life and to successfully get it without back-talk. There's a whole chapter devoted to the overscheduling dilemma (one of the main causes of family feuds, worn out parents and stressed out kids). The 5 Golden Rules allows family members to build respect for each other and provides a foundation and safety net for moms to be held as the real CEO in life.
CEO is interchangeable with Chief Executive Officer and (Constantly Evaluating Others) -- like most of us moms do: we evaluate people, places and options for our kids. The many parenting tips - from actual parents - are just the icing on the cake.
FYI: PLEASE BE SURE YOU ARE BUYING THE 2001 EDITION. Contrary to popular belief - it still gets mixed up with the original. The revised edition is clearly better due in large part to a collaboration of time, energy and spontaneity of wonderful editors, artists, cover designers, text designers and insightful tips from the real experts: parents!
Remember - there are many dads who have piped up with their own tips throughout the book as well.
Here is the list of the contents and chapters:
Mommy-CEO (Constantly Evaluating Others) 5 Golden Rules
Golden Rule ONE: Treat Children the Way You Want to be Treated
Golden Rule TWO: Know your Children's Ages and Stages
Golden Rule THREE: Teach Your Children Responsibility
Golden Rule FOUR: Squash the Over--Scheduling Dilemma
Golden Rule FIVE: Don't Forget the Little Things That Count
NOTE: I didn't say the book will have all of your answers -- for as you well know: children are our future and a huge part of our daily blessings - and challenges.
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